process-based therapy

Professional Education

Introducing the Human Rehabilitation Framework

Rehabilitation has undergone a major transformation in the last few decades, and it can be challenging to see the bigger picture and provide evidence-based care.

Professional Education

Stepping Back Part III

SPINAL DEGENERATION SOUNDS SCARY BUT IT’S JUST A TECHNICAL WORD FOR NORMAL AGING! The spine begins to undergo completely normal, age-related changes at around age

Professional Education

Stepping Back Part II

In Part I of this series, I discussed the limitations that exist with our current beliefs and theories we hold when it comes to dealing with pain.

Professional Education

Stepping Back Part I

When it comes to the science of pain, I would say that I remain agnostic about many of the interventions employed in rehab. Social media

Professional Education

Human Movement Deserves Better!

There are thousands of ways to reach up into a cabinet to grab a cup. Each action is made up of a complex interaction of

Professional Education

Process-Based Rehabilitation – The Way Forward

Rehabilitation, and much of healthcare, has reached a point of reckoning. We are stuck in a world where we operate in “protocol-driven clown suits”, putting