
Technology Development

IOCH is at the forefront of developing innovative software solutions aimed at revolutionizing chronic pain management and support. Our key developments include the Biopsychosocial Process Based Case Management Software (PB-CMS) and the Chronic Pain Empowerment Network (CPEN), a prosocial learning and support ecosystem.

Human Rehabilitation Framework (HRF)

The world’s first biopsychosocial process-based approach to rehabilitation, accessible to all disciplines for transdisciplinary care delivery.

The HRF is a personalized approach to recovery, understanding that everyone’s health journey is unique, similar to how each person is different in real life. It avoids one-size-fits-all solutions by considering how complex our lives and bodies are, much like understanding a bustling city’s dynamics. It uses new ways of thinking and technology to better work with these complex interactions. By incorporating ideas from the study of changes over time (evolution) and recognizing that not everyone follows the same path or responds the same way to treatments (non-ergodicity), HRF provides individualized care that is tailored to individual needs and situations. Essentially, it’s all about creating a custom-fit plan for each person’s recovery, acknowledging that each of us is more like a unique puzzle rather than a standard template.

Case Management Software

Biopsychosocial Process Based Case Management Software (PB-CMS)

This comprehensive case management software utilizes a biopsychosocial framework to aid clinicians in data collection, analysis, decision-making, and patient care. The software facilitates a process-based approach, integrating various health aspects to support clinicians in their work.

Chronic Pain Empowerment Network (CPEN)

A Prosocial Learning and Support Ecosystem

We are planning to develop a software platform that will unite behavioral health, physical movement, and pain management into a single supportive community. This future platform will offer personalized support to individuals dealing with chronic pain, helping them navigate their journey towards better health and mobility.

Future Tech Initiatives

Development of Statistical and Mathematical Technologies for Individual Measurement.

Development of Novel Devices for Personalized Measurement.

Integration of Technology at the Intersection of Physical and Psychological Behaviors and Pharmacology.

Join Us in Advancing Contextual Health​

We welcome collaboration and partnerships with researchers, organizations, and advocates who share our passion for advancing contextual human health. If you are interested in joining our efforts, conducting joint research, or supporting our initiatives, please consider connecting with us.

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