The Science of Change – Part 2 of 2

In Part 1, we explored how the principles of evolutionary science—variation, selection, and retention—can drive personal transformation through small, meaningful changes. Now, let’s expand on that foundation by examining how these principles can be applied to more complex scenarios, where the stakes are higher, and the changes required are more profound.

Developing New Skills

To use these principles effectively, you need to develop certain skills:

  • Open: Be open to change. This means being willing to try new things and adapt to changes in yourself and your surroundings.
  • Aware: Be aware of your options for personalized fit. Understand your choices and select what works best for you.
  • Active: Be active in keeping what works. Maintain the habits and behaviors that are beneficial until it’s time to adapt again.

Practical Example: Let’s say you sprained your right ankle stepping down from a curb wrong. It hurt a bit at first, but for the most part, you were able to keep going. A month later, you start to notice your right knee is a bit sore, but you didn’t do anything about it. You recall someone mentioning that they thought you were walking funny over the last month. Curious, you watch yourself in some glass windows as you walk by a store and realize you are limping.

  • Variation (Change): You use your OPEN skills to increase your awareness of the hidden sensory information that reveals you’re spending more time on your right leg, a movement habit you developed after the ankle sprain.


  • Selection (Personalized Fit): You apply your AWARE skills to explore different ways to adjust your movements, such as trying to distribute your weight more evenly and reduce guarding of your right leg. You experiment with these adjustments to find what feels best for you.


  • Retention (Keeping What Works): You use your ACTIVE skills to commit to practicing being open and aware of your movements, consciously changing the way you walk. Within a week, your knee stops hurting, and you notice in your reflection that you are no longer limping.


While these ideas may seem simple, many people do not think of them, let alone practice them, regularly. Often, individuals and their clinical providers ignore  potential solutions that can improve their situations. By acknowledging and working on these skills, you can better manage the constant uncertainty and change in life.

These stories highlight how easy it can be to miss straightforward solutions when we get stuck seeking labels, like medical diagnoses and answers that include time-consuming stretches and exercises that don’t work. This path, that so many of us take, can lead to medications, injections, or even surgeries, while overlooking simple ways to improve our situations. By becoming more open, aware, and active within our specific context, we can better address our needs and enhance our quality of life.

At IOCH, we’re excited to be on this journey with you to explore how you can transform your world through the science of change. By understanding and applying the principles of change, personalized fit, and keeping what works, you can navigate life’s uncertainties with greater ease.

Join our mailing list to stay updated with more insights and practical tips on using the science of change to improve your life. Together, let’s embrace change and create a better future.

Picture of Leonard Van Gelder
Leonard Van Gelder

President, Founder

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