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Professional Education Videos

Educational Videos for Clinicians

Why Do We Need a New Framework for Human Rehabilitation?

Discover the HRF’s fresh approach to rehab, integrating biopsychosocial insights with process-based treatment. This preview introduces an innovative framework reshaping comprehensive, personalized care.


Video Length: 5 Min

Clinical Overview of the Human Rehabilitation Framework

The HRF is a groundbreaking approach to rehabilitation, blending biopsychosocial principles with process-based therapy. Join us as we explore this innovative method that transcends disciplinary boundaries and delivers comprehensive care.

Video Length: 49 Min

Human Rehabilitation Framework (HRF) Overview

  • The world’s first biopsychosocial process-based approach to rehabilitation, accessible to all disciplines for transdisciplinary care delivery.
  • Incorporates Network Theory and Applied Evolutionary Science, enabling individualized functional analysis. This approach moves beyond traditional methods of stratification, grouping, and categorization, addressing the non-ergodic nature of human problems rather than relying on ergodic statistical organization.
  • Advances Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) by integrating scientific evidence, clinical practice, and personalized care. It further promotes the evolution of rehabilitation towards Precision Medicine and the Value Based Care Model.
  • Revolutionizes diagnostic and intervention methods by shifting from differential diagnosis and traditional Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), Clinical Prediction Rules (CPRs), and Clinical Pathways to a process-based approach.
  • Adopts adaptive strategies to manage complexity, leveraging technological (including psycho-technological) advancements to enhance efficiency. Process-based interventions offer transdiagnostic effects through multi-dimensional and multi-level interactions.
  • Effectively addresses the key criticisms of the Biopsychosocial (BPS) Model, paving the way for a more comprehensive and integrative approach to rehabilitation.
  • Future-proofs rehabilitation practices by shifting the research focus from group-level (nomothetic) analysis to individual-level (idiographic) analysis. It is fully prepared to adopt idionomic research methods and advanced statistical methodologies, advancing the fields of Biomedicine and Psychological research.

Complexity of Pain (English)

This video is designed primarily for existing patients and clients treated by IOCH but are available to the public as resources regarding understanding of chronic/persistent pain syndromes. Please note that while the insights from this 7-year-old video remain relevant, our scientific understanding of pain has advanced considerably.

Video Length: 9 Min

Complexity of Pain (Kurdish)

This video is designed primarily for existing patients and clients treated by IOCH but are available to the public as resources regarding understanding of chronic/persistent pain syndromes. Please note that while the insights from this 7-year-old video remain relevant, our scientific understanding of pain has advanced considerably.

Video Length: 9 Min

Professional Blog

Introducing the Human Rehabilitation Framework

Introducing the Human Rehabilitation Framework

Rehabilitation has undergone a major transformation in the last few decades, and it can be challenging to see the bigger picture and provide evidence-based care. Often, research doesn’t match the specific needs of the patient, leading to pressure to rely on popular techniques in one’s profession instead. Despite the fact…

Stepping Back Part III

Stepping Back Part III

SPINAL DEGENERATION SOUNDS SCARY BUT IT’S JUST A TECHNICAL WORD FOR NORMAL AGING! The spine begins to undergo completely normal, age-related changes at around age 13, and by our 40’s, our spine has already gone through a LOT of changes that we may not even be aware of. Normal age-related…

Stepping Back Part II

Stepping Back Part II

In Part I of this series, I discussed the limitations that exist with our current beliefs and theories we hold when it comes to dealing with pain. For most of us, this involves having theories rooted in a mechanistic worldview believing that our bodies are like a machine and can be fixed…

Are you struggling with a pain or movement problem?

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